Get Support

PLP’s purpose is to support schools across Plymouth and beyond to deliver the best possible education for every pupil. Whether that’s by providing mental health expertise, enabling you to recruit staff and supply teachers, or keeping your property safe, we’re always ready to help.

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Arranging a meeting

All of PLP’s services are based under one roof in Plymouth. 

To arrange a meeting here at our office – or to request a visit to your school – please arrange an appointment by calling 01752 788076 or emailing

Our office address
1 Lower Compton Road, Plymouth, PL3 5DH

Office hours: 8.30am – 4.30pm Mon – Fri

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Send us a message about how we can help

Whether you’d like to access one of our services – or you have an enquiry, request or feedback for PLP – you can let us know by sending us a message via our contact form. We’ll get back to you with a response as soon as possible.

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You’re in good company

Our ability to bring children, families and schools the support they need relies on the relationships and connections we make. Here’s a sample of the feedback we’ve had from people who have called on Plymouth Learning Partnership’s services.

"The service and provision provided by PLP has been exceptional and at times almost life saving They are professional and compassionate and strive to provide the very best for our families across our city."

Ciara Moran
Ciara Moran
Headteacher, Woodfield Primary School

We are very appreciative for the many years of care, support, professionalism and insight that Plymouth Learning Partnership (PLP) has been able to offer our school. Their expertise in the field of Safety & Health is second to none. From asbestos to zonal fire issues, PLP visiting consultants are extremely knowledgeable and are able to offer advice on a wide range of issues to ensure compliance. Just ask a question and they always have the answers you need! In addition, they are able to offer training across many subject areas, either online or in person, fulfilling all our school CPD needs. PLP are providers of a friendly, professional and valued partnership and I would highly recommend using their services.

Colin Freeman
Colin Freeman
Site Manager

"PLP MAST is central to my professional world. The team are always there, available, to provide the support and early help that is essential and required for our families and their children to survive and learn to thrive. Support for staff and colleagues has been invaluable in terms of CPD, professional advice, supervision and the under specific circumstances."

Jodie Childs
Jodie Childs
SENCO, Mary Dean's Primary School

“It fills me with pride to work for PLP. It is very special to work for a multidisciplinary team that is comprised of exceptionally genuine and compassionate people.”

Tom Shipp
Tom Shipp

"I like that through my role in PLP children are at the heart of the therapy we deliver, and how good communication is between the team schools and families."

Chloe Ridgway
Chloe Ridgway

"PLP build strong partnerships with schools and communities to improve life chances for children."

Katie Patrick
Katie Patrick
Headteacher, Woodford Primary School

"The staff have always been professional, caring and supportive. They are always polite and friendly and very importantly keep you informed of events. It has been a pleasure to work for Supply Plus, they are a wonderful team to work for."


“PLP have been really supportive towards the huge variety of challenging needs that we face within our school. There is always somebody available to talk to at the end of the phone and no question is too trivial..”

Suzanne Perkin
Suzanne Perkin
Teacher SENCO, Leigham Primary School

I have found the Supply Plus team a pleasure to work with. They have been warm, friendly and supportive. I have received a steady stream of work through an intuitive booking system and additional CPD according to my needs and interests. Highly recommended. Thank you Supply Plus!

Supply Plus Teacher

I have really enjoyed my time doing supply teaching with Supply Plus. I chose supply teaching after a long contract at a Plymouth School. My decision to leave came at a point in my life where I was keen to explore a different career path. Supply through Supply Plus gave me a breather and chance to think how I could use my skills in another way. It was totally flexible so I could map out my availability every week. It was so helpful to get an insight into how different schools operate and I learnt a lot from the experience.


I have greatly enjoyed my year with Supply Plus. For the first half of the year, I worked with schools across Plymouth, honing and developing my teaching skills after training as a teacher during the pandemic. In the second half of the year I had a long-term contract with a Year 4 class. I have truly loved every day of work this year and I am about to start a new chapter of my teaching career with a Year 1 class in London! I couldn’t have done it without you Supply Plus. Thank you for all the training, advice, always being on the end of the phone. You’ve helped me to springboard my career.

Amy Bridgeman
Amy Bridgeman
Supply Plus Teacher

"Our PLP SALT is invaluable to us. She is brilliant at supporting us in providing advice and strategies to support early SAL need, often eliminating the need for support later on. She is also flexible in the use of her time and has provided assessments and advice for older children, enabling us to identify and support needs for these children."

Nicky Cole
Nicky Cole
SENCO, Glen Park Primary School

"PLP is an inclusive company, which thrives on a supportive network of professionals within the team. They are compassionate and understanding."

Julie Spencer
Julie Spencer
School based Learning Mentor

“PLP give my school access to incredible, hard-working, knowledgeable and caring experts in education. The impact we see in Speech and Language and through workshops and CPD is considerable. The support PLP, especially MAST, gives us is inspiring - and vital to us providing the high quality provision we know our children and families deserve. Everyone is friendly and wants to help. It is a pleasure to do business with PLP and its different subdivisions..”

Alice Malein
Alice Malein

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Supply Plus. The sign-up process and online booking system are well organised, and I have found it fantastic for helping to organise my days with ease. Supply Plus staff have always answered the phone and replied to emails almost instantly and have aided with any issues I may have. I have had the most amazing experiences in multiple schools around Plymouth and thank the Supply Plus team for giving me these opportunities. I really hope to work with Supply Plus again in the future.


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