December 2023 Learning Co-ordinators Meeting: understanding service demands and needs with partner schools

December 2023 Learning Co-ordinators Meeting: understanding service demands and needs with partner schools

Will Roberts
by Will Roberts
Published on Dec 07, 2023
0 min read

We meet face-to-face with our partner schools on a regular basis to share and discuss new initiatives and seek authentic feedback on our services.

Our regular, in-person meetings with leaders in school who have a key role in promoting inclusion, emphasise the crucial aspect of listening to schools and understanding their day-to-day experiences. This collaborative effort focuses on understanding and addressing service demands, alongside workforce continuous professional development (CPD).

This session explored the local context with regard to inclusion support and pressures on services and, in turn, schools. In this way, our ‘warts ‘n all’, collaborative approach extends beyond just identifying needs and providing solutions; it involves fostering a culture of open communication and mutual learning. Regular meetings, workshops, and training events create a platform for school staff and the MAST service to exchange ideas, share best practices, and collectively work towards the common goal of enhancing inclusive practice. It is our view that this collaborative spirit not only strengthens the bond between the different components of the education ecosystem but also fosters a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

We are presently reviewing our 2022-23 CPD offer to schools, with a view to updating current content and extending certain aspects further. We achieved some very useful feedback on the potential content for our2023-24 programme and reflections on the timing and modality of delivery. We look forward to receiving feedback from schools and MATs in attendance on the latter.

We look forward to meeting colleagues on the 17thJanuary 2024 for the next Learning Co-ordinators meeting at our central offices on Lower Compton Road.